A Second Chance

E'met Selch | Crystal | Coeurl | <StarS> FC
Emet-Selch Rp account for FFXIV
REdemption AU
Spoilers For Shadowbringers and Endwalker
twt: @nyascians

Once upon a time, an ancient city fell to a great cataclysm. Gods warred, the world burned and broke, and the remaining 3 reshaped history in their efforts to fix it, before one by one they were felled by a singular warrior, only to return in the darkest time of need for one final act of salvation and amends.But you already know that story.What if, instead of remaining in the lifestream, Emet-Selch had made... a different choice, and sought to help the Warrior of Light avert the second coming of the final days?He didn't plan to, initially. He spent a lot of time observing the Warrior of Light as they returned to the Source, keeping watch. But upon hearing that the Final Days would begin anew, he began to worry.He did not act, however, until he overheard a conversation in Sharlayan - that Hydaelyn had ferried his soul from the First because she had some mysterious future part for him to play. Incensed and refusing to be Hydaelyn's catspaw, he took matters into his own hands, and went to Garlemald to see if any viable clones were still around.Pickings were slim, unfortunately, so he chose one of the remaining experimental clones - the hybrid clone of his radiance and a miqo'te. Emet-Selch sought out the one who had slain him to make amends. After an argument and attempt to explain himself, he was strong-armed into helping (and actually cooperating). Eventually, they did.It's been a long journey since, but Emet's main goal has been making amends to the star. Part of it was being forced into manual labor by Tataru, part of it was a deal made with the Alliance to offer his aid to avoid the hangman's noose, part of it is, in spite of himself, he can't help but love Etheirys, even in it's broken state.These days he mostly works as either An adventurer a freelance researcher or a history lecturer in Sharlayan. you can find him skulking about his partners' place of work and various cafes around the Crystal DC.

Requests for RPING with Catmet-Selch1. W/U RP is okay, but I may not always be in the mood to do more than smalltalk. Come to a venue where he works if you want more than a brief hello and hard candies out of his pockets.2. I run on a theory called "Time Pants", where woLs that aren't my RP partner and other NPCs (including other Emets) are from divergent timelines. This means Emet does not know your OCs canon, or even who you are, even if you know who he is. He'll be polite about it, unless you, a stranger to him, are overly familiar.3. Because of the above, Catmet's been through a lot of divergent stuff! He'll be much friendly towards you if you take the time to get to know how he's different from whatever Emet-Selch you knew.4. Shipping is closed. Sorry!5. I am a real person with a real life and a real job. Please do not treat me like a prop. Be respectful.